Lehigh Valley Elite Network - Schedule UPDATE - Please Read
Dear Lehigh Valley Elite Network Members:
You may have noticed that the Texas Roadhouse-Trexlertown event is
missing from the September schedule. In a post titled
"Protect Your Opportunity", on June 22,
2015; I informed members that their inconsistent attendance
will eventually lead to some of our locations being shut
down. Many of these locations open exclusively
for us. When they bring on staff and prepare for your
attendance, and many do not show up, it compromises
everyone's opportunity in this organization. At the request of this
restaurant, we will no longer be holding any events at
their Texas RoadHouse - Trexlertown location.
I founded Lehigh Valley Elite Network as a way for
people to have a systematic way of staying in touch and
developing relationships with the contacts they
meet outside of the network, so they
can develop a working relationship with them. Keep in mind
there are no "membership fees" and the $20.00 per meeting
in no way covers the expense of the Restaurant, Communication, Administration of the www.LehighValleyEliteNetwork.com
and all of the social media platforms that members benefit
from. I have absorbed the cost for years with the
anticipation of more people participating and expanding my
Legal Shield business. This has proven
to be an ineffective strategy due to the time commitment
required to effectively administer the events and maintain
one of the top websites in the Region
which its sole purpose is to promote members.
My other issue is people who present their business,
never to be heard from again. Please keep in mind it's
offensive to members who are committed to the process and
it makes it appear to everyone else that they are
opportunists looking for a splash of publicity with no
care or thought of developing relationships. Networking is networking is
networking. Social media is a way for you to get
exposure to other audiences outside of the meeting venue
and have your business visible in the search
engines. Taking your same skills and attitudes to
another organization will not grow your business any more
effectively than it will here.
Michael Madden, CEO - Founder Lehigh Valley Elite Network